CALET (CALorimetric Electron Telescope) has been installed on the Japanese Experiment Module Exposed Facility of the International Space Station (ISS) since August 2015. CALET carries two observational instruments, the CALorimeter (CAL), whose main target is cosmic-rays, and the CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM). CGBM is composed of a single Soft Gamma-ray Monitor (SGM) and two Hard X-ray Monitors (HXM). Their energy bands are 100 keV -- 20 MeV (SGM) or 7 keV -- 1 MeV (HXM), and the fields of view are ~one steradian (HXM) or the whole sky beside earth (SGM). The CGBM data are released from DARTS (http://darts.isas.jaxa/astro/calet) in the standard FITS format soon after the pipe-line processing. So that global users can easily analyze CGBM data without prior knowledge, we are developing a user-friendly CGBM web-tool ( Using this tool, users can display light-curves from different instruments in different energy bands, visualize the location of CALET (ISS) at the time of observation, and the fields of view on the sky. Users can interactively change scales of the light-curves, choose time-intervals to extract the burst and the background energy spectra. These spectral files can be downloaded as well as the instrument responses, so that users can carry out spectral model fitting analysis using XSPEC.
Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P9-2.pdf