We discuss the present state of XSPEC and CFITSIO, two of the more widely used packages in HEASOFT, the software suite maintained and distributed by the HEASARC at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center. XSPEC is an interactive X-ray spectral fitting program that has been used in almost 10,000 refereed publications over the last three and a half decades, and underwent a full redesign in the 2000s to object-oriented C++. We examine its modular design which allows for the expansion of such capabilities as new fitting statistics, plotting packages, and models (including those supplied by the end-user). We also show how originally unanticipated features were incorporated into the design, such as parallel processing and an extension module providing full access to XSPEC from Python (PyXspec). CFITSIO is a C and Fortran library that is used in much astronomical software for performing fast operations on FITS files. It has recently undergone a transition in support from its original author to the HEASARC programming staff, and we discuss challenges this entails and also some of its recent enhancements.
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