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P4.12: Kosack, Karl
Karl Kosack (CEA Paris-Saclay and CTA Observatory)

for the CTA Observatory

Theme: Data Science: Workflows Hardware Software Humanware
Title: Data Processing Challenges for CTA

The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Observatory will generate hundreds of petabytes of raw and simulated data during its operation---orders of magnitude more than any current gamma-ray instrument. We present the current status of the design and prototyping efforts for a system to handle the large volume of raw data, to produce a nearly equal volume of simulated data needed to characterize the instrumental response, and to process it all to provide much more compact science data to users. This includes our efforts at a comprehensive architectural model, as well as the use of modern technologies for distributed data processing and storage, and for a python-driven analysis.

Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P4-12.pdf