The VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) is an ambitious project to image the entire sky visible to the VLA in three epochs. The Survey isl being carried out at a frequency of 2-4GHz in full linear polarization (Stokes I,Q,U) and a resolution of 2.5, making it the highest angular resolution all-sky radio survey ever attempted. VLASS will collect 0.5PB of raw data, and 0.3PB of Basic Data Products (calibration tables, images and catalogs) will be created and archived at NRAO. There are also opportunities for external groups to create higher level Extended Data Products. In this poster, we present a summary of the scheduling, operations, data processing and archiving of the survey, as well as some early results from the first set of observations, covering half the sky.
Link to PDF (may not be available yet): P2-6.pdf