The search for, study and characterisation of extrasolar planets and planetary systems is a growing and improving field of astrophysical research. Alongside the growing knowledge on the field the data resources are also growing, both from observations and numerical simulations. To tackle interoperability of these data an effort is starting (under the EU H2020 ASTERICS project) to delineate a data model to allow a common sharing of the datasets and collections of exoplanetary data. The data model will pick up model components from the IVOA specifications, either existing or under investigation, and attach new ones where needed. This contribution presents the first results in drafting the exoplanetary systems dedicated data model. It shows relationships with existing and proposed IVOA models and presents the new key components not yet available in the interoperable scenario. The results here reported are those provided by a dedicated face-to-face meeting attended by the authors. They cover a first set of requirements and considerations and take into account aspects like the observations of exoplanetary systems, the usage of existing exoplanets catalogues, the investigation of atmospheres of confirmed exoplanets and the simulation of exoplanet's atmospheres devoted to characterize exoplanets habitability. Use cases and requirements are also presented to form the basis of this modelling effort.
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