As it is already known, modern observatories like the Atacama Large Millimeter/ sub- millimeter Array (ALMA) and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) generate large- scale data. This problem of data size that has been extensively studied in recent times but there is another equally relevant problem, the data cubes also exhibit unprecedented complexity and dimensionality. These complex sources can be modeled using tensor algebraic methods. In this representation the cube has two physical axes (Right ascension(Ra)/Declination(Dec)), and a third axis (Wavelet, Time, Intensity), a representation in a tensor of order 3. This representation leads to a concise description of cubes of astronomical data. Over this representation was applied​ a tensor-cluster approach to find the morphology of components expected in these complex data cubes. To achieve this goal the TensorFit library with strong GPU support to handle spectral cubes in a tensor mode was used.
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