In the astronomical Virtual Observatory, provenance metadata provide information on the processing history of the data. This is important to assert quality and truthfulness of the data, and to be potentially able to replay some of the processing steps. The ProvTAP specification is a recently proposed IVOA Working draft defining how to serve IVOA provenance metadata via TAP, the Table Acces Protocol, which allows to query table and catalog services via the Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL). ProvTAP services should allow finding out all activities, entities, or agents that fulfil certain conditions. Several implementations and developments will be presented. The CDS ProvTAP service describes provenance metadata for HiPS generation. The CTA ProvTAP service will provide access to metadata describing the processing of CTA event lists. GAVO prototyped specialised query functions that could facilitate accomplishing the goals of ProvTAP users.
Link to PDF (may not be available yet): O11-3.pdf