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O10.7: Graves, Sarah
Sarah Graves (East Asian Observatory)

Time: Wed 09.45 - 10.00
Theme: Databases and Archives: Challenges and Solutions in the Big Data Era
Title: Harnessing the power of archival data to increase scientific output: the JCMT experience.

EAO, operators of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) recently reanalysed more than five years of publications using our data, identifying which of our TAC-approved projects have gone onto be published, and identifying which types of publication lead to large numbers of follow-on publications. This has also allowed us to identify which observations have not been published either by their PIs or by teams using our archive. We have also examined the data products and interfaces from existing, highly productive data collections (both those from our own observatory and from other telescopes), identifying the features that we believe have helped encourage uptake and. We are currently engaged in using this information in several ways, While this includes both 'match-making' between exciting orphaned observations and investigators, we are also reevaluating our choice of observatory produced data products and considering additional, simple interfaces to encourage more use of these products. This paper will discuss the observatory software, databases and workflow required to do this work, as well as discussing the findings from our work that are most relevant when running or planning observatory archives.

Link to PDF (may not be available yet): O10-7.pdf